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Exercise Resolution, Year-Round

By June 27, 2019April 6th, 2021Blogs, Jasmine Jeter, B.S.

July is here, which means 2019 is halfway over. Have your new year’s resolutions been on your mind? If not, the time is now to do a check in and re-evaluate those goals for the year! Personally, I have made strong efforts to stick to my exercising goal this year, but for many, time is scarce due to work, family responsibility, and simply…life. Don’t give up on that goal just yet though, as there are plenty of ways to make sure you fit that exercise into your week. And just because half the year is gone, it does not mean your goals are disposable. If you’re on a diet and decide to eat one cookie, would you stop your diet, entirely? Probably not.

Exercise doesn’t always have to mean going to the gym and lifting weights, or running on the treadmill for hours at a time. There are plenty of ways to stay active and try to get a workout in. If you sit at a desk for work, try taking the stairs on your break or taking extra steps around the office. You can also to a brisk walk on your lunch break to work up an appetite.

And if you can’t seem to find time alone this summer to be active, then try to include others, like your kids, in the activities! You can bike ride, play sports, or try a new hiking trail. Opt to be outside, take a family walk after dinner, or explore farmer’s markets around town on Sunday mornings. There are many ways remain active and stick to your exercise resolution. It will not only better your mental and physical health, but that of your family. So keep your exercise goals on your mind and in motion all year round!